Thursday, July 8, 2010

Don't Stifle Something Beautiful

/rant - LADIES, have a life separate from your man, be it study, hobby, weekly girls nights etc. Sure you love the guy but spending 24/7 with one person can/will be detrimental to your relationship and relationships with your mates. And don't fully rely on him for your every need/want. Be independant. For your own sake.... And for his sake. And for your mates' sakes. And if you're single - Enjoy it!
That is all/

Today, the above was my status update on Facebook. In the past few weeks, and beyond that actually, I've seen girls, and guys, getting sick of their boyfriend or girlfriend (respectively), or just fighting, or feeling like they're being controlled, or stifled, and I'll ask what they do by them self, do they work with their partner? Do they study with their partner? Do they live with their partner (usually I already know that one)? Do they have time to themself, at all, at any time during the week where they go out with mates without the other half around, or just go out for a walk, or something, by themself? Usually, they'll say no, they do everything together and for girls it'll be - "Oh, but I can't live without him!" - I'm sorry, girls, but please, PLEASE, get a grip, a reality check, whatever you want to call it.

If you can't physically live without the guy, can't do anything without him around, it's a bad place to be in.

I'm not a feminist, but every girl needs to be able to have her independance and confidence in herself, who she is DISREGARDING her man. Its what guys find hot, and even if you're in a stable relationship, if you lose your flavour, your spark of 'you', things can go downhill. Don't do it, girls. And guys, let your girl do her own thing, she'll grow into something more beautiful than you can imagine, or 'make' her into, doing something that she loves and feels confident doing. Trust her.

Be strong in yourself. Trust your partner. Let them spread their wings and show you something amazing. If you can't love completely, where's the basis of the relationship?

Don't stifle something beautiful.