Thursday, May 27, 2010

Examinations... Cyanide anyone?

Picture this - You've aced the unit for whatever uni course you're doing, throughout the entire semester, and are confident of a D or HD.

You decide, just out of curiousity, to see how much the final exam is worth, and promptly crap yourself. 60%.

So... If you do great, say.. overall 90% or so throught semester, you only hit up 35 - 40% of the final marks of the unit. If you're sick on the day of the final exam, you're screwed. If you make some stupid mistake on the final exam, you're screwed. If you're late, or nervous, or forget your notes, or your calculator, you're screwed.

And then you get those stupid units where, if you don't pass the exam, you fail the entire unit. Yes, Chemistry, I'm talking about you. Stupidstupidstupid. I'm not good in exams, never have been. I don't think anyone is really the best. It's so much pressure, and the whole sitting still in a dead quiet hall, usually freezing your pants off or delirious from heatstroke (they never can get the temperature just right, really) for 2.5 to 4hrs, depending on the length of your torture, oh and don't forget the omniprescent sniffer. That one kid that sits just far enough from you that you don't know who it is, but just close enough to get incredibly annoying and distracting. 

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to exams.

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