Friday, May 14, 2010


I got the sniffles. Not just the annoying oh-my-this-is-annoying sniffles but the I-think-I-need-to-buy-shares-in-a-tissue-factory sniffles. It's more than a little annoying. Also, the stuffy head feeling.. Ya know, ya just can't think, and when someone says 2 + 2 = 3 you agree because thinking doesn't come easy. Days till exams = 14. Exam study today = 0. This being sick is not working for me.

Ooh, on the upside, I scored myself a lovely half hour massage. BEST 30 minutes of the day. It went by way too fast, but now my 3 day headache has miraculously dissipated. Woo!
Note to self: Get massages more often.
Actually, scratch that. Requires money, and I need a job to have money. Someone employ me?

In other news... My littlest sister broke her toe. Yep, that annoying little appendage that you really can't do anything with except hobble around looking like an idiot for a while. She was being the sweet little obedient child she is (insert dripping sarcasm here) and jumping over one of her older sisters who was laying on the grass. Should probably mention she'd been told not to by another of her older sisters (yeah, lotta girls in my family) and, in her jumping, managed to catch her toe on the end of a hooded jumper and OOPS! down she went.
I'm sorry, I laughed. Poor kid, it's gotta be annoying but seriously. Obedience right there? I was never that bad at her age...


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