Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Goodbyes and New Beginnings

The last couple of weeks have been really interesting...

- I've had to say goodbye to a good girlfriend of mine, who's going to Europe to further her studies at Maastricht. I'm really happy for her but at the same time this beautiful girl will be missed.

- I've missed an engagement party for 2 friends of mine in Kalgoorlie... But that's ok kinda. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to see them tie the knot, and I can't wait... I love weddings, and I think that these two are amazing together =D

- An old friend of mine (from primary school) has just got engaged.

- Another old friend of mine has had a little girl, and yet another friend has found out his fiance is expecting.

And exams are over, but that really doesn't matter in comparison to goodbyes, babies and weddings.

Every time someone gets engaged I think - How can they know, and trust, that their partner will be theirs for life? How can they live with this guy or girl for the rest of their life and know that the romance won't suddenly fade after a few years? I know that my partner and I have spoken about marriage and are seriously considering it but... Still have to get established, money for a house etc, I'm still in university. But I love the guy and we've been together well over a year now. I still have problems with trust and sure, we have disagreements, but my friends think he's so good for me (apparently he's the right amount of insanity, stubborness chivalry, and I'd have competition if he wasn't mine already - gotta love those friends who say exactly what they're thinking ey).
My mate that just got engaged has only been with her man for 10 months or so, and she's the same age as me (ok, a couple months older but hardly a difference) but she trusts this guy implicitly. Something I heard once.. "Together a year and a day" ... And it makes perfect sense. To know someone, to be with them at least a year and a day so you see how they react in different situations, birthdays, christmas, new years etc. But 10 months from not knowing the guy until getting engaged and getting married this November? I don't know if it's just me, but that seems really fast. But then, each to their own and maybe I'm just super cautious. Ah well. Each to their own.

Anyway, enough of my rambling ramblings. I should really get my room tidy (it's a neverending battle) and go fill my car up while the fuel prices are still half-decent.


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